Wednesday, November 7

Happy Birthday to us...

Our blog is one today. Hadn't occurred until Landcroft House celebrated theirs the other week- and I just copied them. So, I've sort of been posting here for a whole year... hm. On and off, on and off. I think if you add up the number of posts... hang on.

114 posts. Now, by my reckoning that's some distance short of being able to celebrate a first birthday. Technically, I'd need at least five posts a week for that, 26o posts. Still, at least I'm trying, right? I do seem to stockpile pictures thinking they'll make it onto the blog, but never do. Must work out how to get pictures straight off the phone onto the blog, then I might be back in business.

We're celebrating a proper birthday tomorrow. Our little girl will be six. I don't know how that is possible, I can remember her being born like it was last week. Anyway, here's a couple of pics of her last day of being five. Luke just makes me laugh looking at him sometimes.

1 comment:

Louise said...

Nice statistics Mr mason