Saturday, January 5

The Grand Tour: Cromer

Got out to Cromer today to see my old college pals, Whilhelm and Ruth, and their three boys... and Hector, the dog, much to Olive's delight. Whil was saying it's 20 years since we started college. 20 years. It's probably because of the 40 thing, but we all seem a bit sensitive to time at the moment.

Anyway, always enjoy a trip out Cromer, and even though we've not seen each other for, oh, 18 months, it doesn't seem to matter. We pulled up outside their house to be greeted by Whil like we'd seen him last week. I love friends like that - I have to, it's the only sort I've got.

Had a nice stroll at Overstrand, not been there for a while. Hector loves the sea, as we all do, and Olive loves dogs (at least she started loving them when we got her the flippin' cats) so she had great fun playing with him digging up and burying stones.

I guess this would be her perfect picture... if he was her dog. Note the stone between his front feet and the 'I am ready for you to throw this stone so I can bury it in a big hole' look on his face.

1 comment:

ruth said...

It was great to see you all. Hector is in the dog house now due to rolling in something slimy and rotton. I think even Olive would disapprove. Look forward to seeing you all again soon.