Sunday, February 3

The bucket has landed

We are a two-car family once again, well, a one-and-a-half car family. Despite our attempt to manage with just the one motor (it's been a year and half!), we spent the very last of our uh-oh fund (which really does mean uh-oh now) on this little bucket off of eBay.

Can't say I'd recommend buying a car, unseen, off eBay. Can't say I'd recommend buying a secondhand car full stop. But on the whole, I'm quite pleased with it.

It's got a 1.1 litre engine, which you can't help feel is a little excessive, but that's the point. Hacked around in it today and it drives like a go-kart. All I need now is my mechanic to give it the once over and not suck air in through his cheeks and tut at me for buying a heap.

Ask Caryn about it when you see her, she's been telling everyone it's a Fiat Concheekie... I wondered why the butcher was asking about it yesterday.

1 comment:

vicky said...

Its ..erm..well.. kinda cute. You are brave getting it off ebay.
As long as it gets you from a to b thats the main thing.
Be in touch about radio.
Sis x