Sunday, February 18

Back to school

Half-term is officially over. Back to school with you, little monkeys.

Had a good time at the Play Barn today. Olive, especially, loved it - the happiest she's been all week. Think we'd forgotten how good it was, I had anyway. There's a place like it near our house which is a bit grin and bear it, but this one somehow seems very chilled. Maybe it's just a better class of child. And they do surprisingly decent food. Good bacon roll, bit posh, but good.

The wife wondered how long, in theory, we could be there before our children got bored. No 'five more minutes', or 'time to go soon', just solid, wall-to-wall at their beck and call playing. Maybe we should try it one week. Get there at opening time, set them free and wait... then again, maybe not.

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