Thursday, August 23

Soggy campers

When we booked a couple of nights at Clippesby, months and months ago, we figured the weekend before August Bank holiday would be a banker...

The above picture should have been better - the four of us, drenched, stood in front of our tent. The children wouldn't get out the car though.

It was a double family trip, with our pals Simon and Louise and their three. I don't think we'll be seeing Simon in a tent again, ever. Sensible man. You can read what they've got to say about it all on their rather lovely blog, which is here... they seem to have stolen the march on blogging, and say things so much better than my rushed attempts these days.

Anyway, the weather wasn't the greatest from the moment we arrived on Saturday, but when we went to bed on Sunday night we thought we'd got away with it. We'd managed to dodge the showers, and cook and eat without getting soaked. Not much of a problem. Then, at 3am on Monday morning it started to rain. Properly.

It's now Thursday and the tent is hanging over the swing in the back garden, it's still as wet as it was on Monday morning.

I think I'm saving up for a camper van. A nice Hymer like this one. Anyone lend me £5k or so? That said, it's probably not a camper we need, it's an ark.


Rob said...

Someone just looked out of the window and said, "It's been like 5am all day..." It's so depressing :(

Louise said...

We're not worthy, we're not worthy.
Ebenezer Terrace - the original and still the best.