Monday, August 27

Sand castles, then

It's the third day in a row that it's been sunny and not at all like winter so we thought we'd spoil ourselves... thing is, the rest of Norfolk had the same idea.

The good thing about Wells-Next-The-Sea is that the beach is huge so there's plenty of room for everybody. It's one of those amazing North Norfolk beaches which is a huge expanse of sand and sky. And when the tide's out you can even hear the sea let alone see it.

Fortunately, there's a great estuary left behind which is spot-on for the kids - not that Luke's bothered, he'd paddle in puddles if he could. So today we built sandcastles. Olivia's was spectacular as you can see. With no help from Caryn, it's such a girl castle - dainty and intricate with the swirling moat.

Bit different from the one me and Luke made which was entirely practical, plenty of thought given to repelling invaders with its deep moat and high walls as you can see.

Boys and girls then, neatly summed up in two sandcastles.

1 comment:

Louise said...

How bizarre - we were at Wells yesterday too - vowing never to go there on a bank holiday ever again.