Tuesday, July 8

Sports Day, part two

After the excitment of Luke's sports day last week it was the turn of the professionals this morning. Touch and go as it was thanks to the weather changing by the second, they actually got a decent 45 window of sunshine.

And what's more, it was actually quite competitive this year. Even though no one actually said anyone won, the children knew.

Olivia has been talking about the sack race for ages. The other day she said she won twice during practice. Her little face lit up when her team made their way to the sack race startline. Not often you see her show any kind of excitement, but the sack race seemed to do the trick. And she was very good, bounced like something very bouncy as you can see.

See, we've long held the view that Olivia needs to take part in sport, she has a ruthlessly competitive streak that needs to come out somehow. Football and tennis don't seem to cut it, wonder if we can find a sack race club somewhere...


Louise said...

I think you should start one.

Ben said...

If Olivia had developed a ruthlessly competitive streak, and taken a dislike to the bitter tang of defeat...

Can I suggest you keep her away from Carrow Road?