Thursday, December 14

The Bossy King... The Song

Much excitement today as Olivia returned home from school clutching 'The Christmas Songs' performed by her school. The best £7.99 I've spent in some time.

As you will have noticed by the non-posting we have been sick as a family of dogs with sick baby dogs this week. Still, got it out of the way for Xmas I guess. The worst bit was being so sick on Tuesday I missed Olive's first Xmas play. Fret not though, our little girl can be some sort of angel at times and tonight I got a performance along with the music on the CD that almost made me cry.

Here's a song called 'Being Bossy' which is quite the most wonderful thing I've heard in a long time. Might not mean a whole lot to you, but it is a thing of beauty when your little girl is singing on it.

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