Thursday, June 14

Our 100th post... and we've been tagged

We've been terribly slack this week due to a family wedding at weekend. My little brother is getting hitched and I'm best man which means I've been having sleepless nights about the speech. Finally nailed it tonight... I think - I might share next week depending on how it goes down.

My biggest fear is not just standing up in front of 130 people, most of who I won't know from Adam, but that no one laughs at my jokes. Nothing new there really, but to have so many people not laughing at the same time is scary stuff. Reception kicks off at six, speeches aren't until 7.30pm, so I might stand a fighting chance.

And the lovely Landcroft House have tagged us which means we're it and have to reveal eight facts about ourselves before tagging five other blogs... do I even know five other blogs? Nope. If you're reading this and have a blog of your own please say hi and we'll tag you! Virtual cocktail party game here we come.

Won't be doing it now, need another sleepless night fretting over the speech.

1 comment:

Rob said...

I'll have a read of that speech!