Friday, November 17

The Birthday Assembly

Went to Olivia's birthday assembly this morning, she missed out last week because her class were on a school trip. It goes like this - when you have a birthday, you take something along to show everyone and there's a cake with candles and everyone sings 'Happy Birthday'.

It was the most amazing thing. We sat at the back with Luke who was bored rigid, but amuzed himself by unpacking the boxes of PE gear behind us. The children were so well behaved - they filled into the hall in silence and sat still. Amazing. In my day they're have been a near riot with that many kids in the same room.

There was some sort of special people presentation for being good that week - a couple of girls got stickers for 'working as a team and making good spiky shapes in dancing'. Wow eh? Not quite sure what 'good work in the Post Office' means, but it seemed to merit stickers anyway - with my eBay activity this week I should have got a sticker too.

It's also Children In Need today so all the kids took a bear to school in exchange for a 50p donation. Took a sneaky snap when they were all holding their bears up - a few hundred children and their bears was a truly great sight - that said, I fully expect to be arrested later if anyone finds out I took this picture so please don't tell. Cameras and schools just don't mix in the 21st century.

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