Wednesday, May 30

Breakfast is served

The day we've always talked about has finally arrived. Today was the day when, all on her own, Olivia got up at a reasonable time (6.45am), headed downstairs, got her and Luke breakfast, turned the TV on and, well, just got on with it really.

Luke especially is super-hungry in the mornings what with the ritual shunning of tea the night before (unless it's chips) and the usual for him is to appear in our bed anytime from 5.50am onwards. He wriggles a bit, pretends to sleep for a bit and then starts the relentless 'I'm hungry' mantra until one of us - usually Caryn, as I pretend to have died in my sleep - gets up and feeds him.

Needless to say, this morning was quite a morning. Now, if we could teach her to feed the cats too...


Rob said...

Happy days! Get her in that kitchen with the frying pan out and it's Sat Morning Lie-Ins a-go-go

vicky said...

Can she do gypsy toast? if so im coming to stay, oh and a nice cup of tea.
Well done her x