Tuesday, May 29

Twice in three days

Typically, from the moment half-term started at 3pm on Friday it seems to have been raining. It's always a tricky one entertaining when it's raining, but on Saturday morning we visited Planet Zoom for the first time.

Why we've not been there before is a mystery. We've got something along the same lines where we live, so I guess driving 10 miles seems a bit odd. Glad we did though because our two loved it. We paid for an hour and a half and the time just flashed by. In fact, they loved it so much they snubbed a swimming trip on Monday for a return visit.

Twice in three days was probably a bit much as the excitement wained after about an hour which isn't bad. Luke was super brave trying all sorts of things he wouldn't normally do, including going down the enormous swirly slide (pictured) on his own.

It's also weatherwatch week at Ebenezer Terrace. We've our first 'proper' camping trip this weekend. When we bought the tent the idea was we could just clear off when the weather was nice.

Seems it doesn't quite work like that - the good places get booked up early doors, so we've booked up a few places over the summer and will be at the mercy of the English weather. Should put us off camping sharpish... or we'll take up camping in the back garden.

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