Sunday, May 13

Our new favourite place

Went round our friend's place for Sunday lunch today. Nice roast beef, etc. They live in the burbs where I went to school, which was a little unnerving when they first moved in a few years ago, kind of used to it now, although driving down the road to their house, past my old school never fails to feel a bit odd.

Anyway, they've just had a new kitchen extension built and, I never thought I'd catch myself saying things like this, but it really is rather fantastic. I am truly getting old.

We've not had the pleasure of a sitting around in a kitchen since we moved out of the School House last year so it was lovely just to leave the kids to their own devices and chew the fat round a big table again.

Simple pleasures eh?


Rob said...

nothing better than kicking off a new topic of conversation while opening another bottle of wine, pushing the plates away and hearing the dustbin-lids smash up a distamt room...

NM said...

thanks rob, it's nice to know that you're reading. maybe i should just give this up and email you with my random thought of the day and a nice picture?

Rob said...

it would save on bandwidth
*makes concerned face*