Friday, May 4

I'm wondering where the week has gone...

Last post was Sunday after a busy weekend and here we are again at another weekend, and looking equally as busy. I honestly don't know where time goes. Friday already, O'Riley.

So bank holiday weekend and it's off to Auntie Vicky's tomorrow because it's her birthday (Happy Birthday sis!), back over here for a party, possibly a beer festival for me (yah), then the big smoke calls on Sunday for an overnight stay at the brother's place with the children.

It does seem that we just pass him by when he's up this way and when I'm down that way I get to see him, but Olive and Lukey don't. So we've booked up, weeks in advance, and we're off.

I also got paid for a job this week, so promptly banked the cheque and bought another new toy. It would have been better spent admittedly on bills, but where's the fun in that I ask you? It arrived this morning - double screen DVD fun for the car (this one, cheap as chips if anyone else is interested, or we could rent it out when not in use!).

Thing is, we're wondering whether to roll it out for the London trip...

It will come in seriously handy, but not sure the nips deserve it just yet. Olive in particular has been especially defiant of late. She has to learn and it does look like she wants to do that learning the hard way, which makes us very sad.

If only she knew we had this little box of in-car TV heaven hidden under the bed... it must be tough being five.


Silvana said...

We've got a cheap little portable dvd player that we attach to the back of the head rest with velcro for long journeys and holidays. Our rule is any journey roughly 2 hours or longer and it comes out. Let the poppets watch it on their trip to London Mr Meanie!

NM said...

they didn't get the dvd for the london trip - didn't need it really either. the drive is less than two hours and we stopped for bacon sandwiches on the way which seemed to keep them happy. simple pleasures.