Friday, May 25

A good party

Firstly, an apology - especially to Louise, whose own blog we're eagerly awaiting - for not posting anything since Monday. It's tricky fitting all this children, school, nursery, wife at college, earning a living, sleeping, eating thing into a week.

Every second seems to have been filled with something or other and I've even been going to bed late to fit it all in. yes, I know.

So anyway, a couple of emails popped in last night from James whose kitchen we really like. His daughter had quite the best birthday party last weekend - it was kind of an Edwardian fairground extravaganza, with games like splat the rat and lucky dip and popping balloons.

The children all had a bag each and ran around winning prizes and filling their bags with sweets. It was really different. I think children have come to expect certain things from parties - entertainer, bouncy castle etc, so this was a real curve ball and you could see the confusion on some faces to begin with. It was excellent though.

They also had one of these put your face through the holes things. And that's what the email was... pics of our children popping their heads through the holes. Thanks James.

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