Monday, May 14

The oldest person in the world, ever.

One of the throwbacks from my time as a newspaper sub is, for some odd reason, I like to know who the oldest person in the world is and who's next up. It's not a great title as the holder seems to die soon after receiving the honour. Still, if you're going to be recognised in your life for doing something, I can think of few things better.

Anyway, just read a great story about the oldest person in the world, ever.

In French France it is possible to buy property for a snip if you're prepared to wait for the owner to snuff it. It's called en viager and involves you making a one-off payment to some aging crock and then paying them a monthly rent until they finally shuffle off and, voila, the property is all yours. Simple. Or not.

There is of course a slight gamble...

In 1965, 47-year-old Francois Raffery, signed a viager for an apartment in the centre of Arles. The owner was a drinking, smoking 90-year-old woman. Anyway, 30 years later Raffery wasn't rubbing his hands in so much glee as he died leaving his wife to continue paying rent to the by now 120-year-old Jeanne Calment.

A herione to French oldies everywhere, Ms Calment managed another two and a bit years before dropping off which made her not the oldest person in the world, ever, but the smartest oldest person in the world, ever. Her record still stands today at 122 years, 164 days if anyone fancies a crack at it.

There's a lesson to be had in there somewhere is there not?

Out of interest for anyone still awake, the current oldest person in the world is Yone Minagawa of Fukuoka, Japan who is 114 and a bit. She's been the oldest person since the end of Janaury so we're due a change of crown pretty soon I'd say.

1 comment:

Rob said...

Fuku-wotta? What sort of a place name is that?